Make sure the app is ready

Please make sure you have the app ready on your smartphone or tablet for your upcoming tele-consultation. Refer to 'How do I set-up the app for my tele-consultation?' to set-up the app.

Click 'Join Call'

When it is time for your appointment (10 minutes before the scheduled time), the button on the Home page will active in green colour. Click on the button to join the call. 

Give Consent

Once you have read the consent sentence, please select the checkbox and click on the 'Agree' button. 

Sample of the consent notice

Check your Audio and Video Settings

The next notice will allow you to start or stop your mic and camera. When you switch off your video, your doctor will not be visible to the doctor. When you switch off your audio, your doctor will not be able to hear you.

Sample of the settings notice

You Have Joined the Video Call Successfully!

If the doctor has not already joined the call, please wait. The app will inform them that you are online and they will join the call shortly.